Thanks for sharing your bold ideas
Thank you for sharing your bold ideas with us for more than two years now. We have loved hearing about every single one of them.
Thank you for sharing your bold ideas with us for more than two years now. We have loved hearing about every single one of them.
On the podcast, we talked about when to say goodbye to an idea and how to say goodbye to an idea, but one thing I’ve found to be really helpful in deciding whether or not to continue to pursue a bold idea or not is a mid-flight assessment.
Sometimes, we have to say goodbye to a bold idea that we are pursuing. In this episode, Leary and Armin discuss four ways to know when to say goodbye to your bold idea and share their own experiences with learning to let go.
Every day we have a choice. We can think and act strategically, knowing something important is at stake. Or we can respond to our days merely opportunistic, allowing our bold ideas to languish in neglect. Which would you prefer?
Some of us are idea factories. We can’t stop having ideas. But with every idea comes a tax -- or two, or more -- and if we ignore that tax, we have to account for it later. And that usually comes at a pretty high price.
What's worse than a paper tiger? Paper walls. We don't even notice them, yet they channel our energies away from our bold idea. Leary Gates explains hows.
Like most people, you are probably thinking about what you want to do in the New Year. Leary and Armin are, too. But this year they are asking: How can we live 2019 more courageously?
When thinking about your bold idea, don't ask what you'd do if money were no object. Leary Gates thinks that's a stupid question built on three dream-chasing myths in our culture.
Leary Gates takes on one of the prevalent myths of our culture: that you need to be an expert in something.
Leary Gates reminds us of a simple, but important truth in scripture. There's no time like the present. It's all we have.
Can we create teams that help us reach our bold idea? Chris Mefford knows we can. Chris has taken departments that nobody wanted to work with and turned them into the departments that everyone wanted to be connected to. He talks with Leary and Armin about how radical transparency helped him get there.
Zoro the Drummer wanted to be three things in life: a drummer, a speaker, and a preacher. Raised in Compton by a single mother, the odds were not in his favor. But God’s grace is more than we can imagine, and today Zoro is all three of these and much more. Zoro the Drummer talks with Leary and Armin about how having a vision at a young age made him unbeatable.
Chris Fabry is an award-winning author of more than 80 books and a Moody Radio talk show host. After an unexpected financial and physical setback, he and his family had to learn to walk in faith toward what God had for them next. He joins Leary and Armin to discuss how false humility can often keep Christians from following their bold idea, and what he thinks you should do instead.