
088 Are you bi-vocational?

Are you bi-vocational? Leary and Armin take a break from interviewing guests and chat about whether or not they are bi-vocational -- and whether you might be, too.

056 Chris Mefford on how to create a bold team

Can we create teams that help us reach our bold idea? Chris Mefford knows we can. Chris has taken departments that nobody wanted to work with and turned them into the departments that everyone wanted to be connected to. He talks with Leary and Armin about how radical transparency helped him get there.

054 Making work great again

Leary and Armin are making work great again! But seriously: they are. By asking some important questions, they’re moving the conversation from whether or not what you are doing is great, to whether or not you are doing great just by doing with the right attitude.

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