How to more quickly form a new habit?
Do you struggle to form new habits to support your goals? Try tying it to a reliable existing habit. Leary Gates explains this powerful hack in this post.
Do you struggle to form new habits to support your goals? Try tying it to a reliable existing habit. Leary Gates explains this powerful hack in this post.
Are you bombarded with webinars and self-improvement programs? Do you find yourself succumbing to their enticing promises? If so, you may be a self-improvement junkie. Leary Gates shares his tips for dealing with this affliction.
Some of us are idea factories. We can’t stop having ideas. But with every idea comes a tax -- or two, or more -- and if we ignore that tax, we have to account for it later. And that usually comes at a pretty high price.
What's worse than a paper tiger? Paper walls. We don't even notice them, yet they channel our energies away from our bold idea. Leary Gates explains hows.
When thinking about your bold idea, don't ask what you'd do if money were no object. Leary Gates thinks that's a stupid question built on three dream-chasing myths in our culture.
Leary Gates takes on one of the prevalent myths of our culture: that you need to be an expert in something.
Leary Gates reminds us of a simple, but important truth in scripture. There's no time like the present. It's all we have.
Every one of us has bold ideas. Many times they intimidate us. We don’t know what to do with them. It's time to turn your bold ideas into action. Here’s how.