084 Make 2019 your year of living courageously
Like most people, you are probably thinking about what you want to do in the New Year. Leary and Armin are, too. But this year they are asking: How can we live 2019 more courageously?
Like most people, you are probably thinking about what you want to do in the New Year. Leary and Armin are, too. But this year they are asking: How can we live 2019 more courageously?
John Collier recounts how his homecoming--to a place of childhood trauma and pain--caused him to face his fear and woundings and find a freedom that was worth the cost.
Can we walk through our fear of a dangerous situation, trusting that God has it all worked out? Michele Rigby Assad is living proof that we can. A former CIA counter-terrorism officer, Michele has lived in scary places and done some scary things --- and she gives God the credit for keeping her safe and enabling her to do every mission she came up against.
Can we push through our fear to find what God has for us on the other side? Jackelyn Viera Iloff is here to say you can. Jackelyn felt God calling her to work in Washington, D.C., a long, long way from her native California. In faith, Jackelyn pushed through the fear of failing and discovered a calling on her life that could only be from God.
What’s wrong with a comfort zone? Does a bold idea need to be a leap of faith? Is a comfort zone good or bad? How do you take steps to get out of your comfort zone? Leary and Armin discuss all of these questions, share the pros and cons of comfort zones, and talk about how to know if you aren’t leaving yours enough.
Darren Wilson, filmmaker and author, challenges our unspoken assumption that if God is for us, then things should always go well for us. That notion flies in the face of Jesus telling his disciples, His best friends mind you, that “in this world you will have trouble." Here's why God is not afraid of our doubts.