
090 The hidden cost of an idea

Some of us are idea factories. We can’t stop having ideas. But with every idea comes a tax -- or two, or more -- and if we ignore that tax, we have to account for it later. And that usually comes at a pretty high price.

045 Kevin DeVries on trauma misadventures

Kevin DeVries climbed five of the tallest mountains in the world, skied to the North Pole, started and sold business, and went on a hunt to find Noah’s Ark--all to avoid facing his past. Kevin shares his story of having run to the ends of the earth to avoid healing and how God met him with grace right where he was.

039 Five tools to beat distraction

Are you constantly getting knocked off course in the pursuit of your BoldIdea? Do you get distracted easily? Have a long todo list that just never seems to get done? Leary Gates and Armin Assadi share five tools to help you beat distraction and get to work on your BoldIdea.

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