Aaron Walker spent decades as a successful businessman constantly reaching for the next big thing. When a horrendous car accident jolted him out of his reverie of success, he pivoted his life to be one about building significance, and he’s spent years encouraging other men in their own journey through mentorship.

Who is Aaron Walker? Aaron Walker is a leadership coach, mastermind leader, author and entrepreneur who has started and sold a dozen business in his career. He sold his first to a Fortune 500 Company — a business he started when he was just 18. Aaron has shared a mastermind group himself with the likes of Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham, and others, and now runs a global mastermind called Iron Sharpens Iron that helps thousands of participants across the world make progress on their own bold ideas. Aaron has authored two books, View from the Top: Living a Life of Significance, and The Mastermind Blueprint alongside Thomas Schwab. Leary and Armin spoke with Aaron in episode 19, where Aaron shared his story of moving from living a successful life to one of incredibly significance as well.

Aaron sees himself as having the God-given gift of encouragement. Through informal and formal mentorship sessions, Aaron has spent decades encouraging other men along in their spiritual, business, and financial journeys. He is currently developing a teaching program that will walk people through from start to finish on how to run their own mastermind group, a tool that will take Aaron’s own gift and expand it exponentially farther than one man ever could through one-on-one mentorship alone.


“We’ve got to have a giving mindset and not a taking mindset.” — Aaron

“We are stewards over what God has given us. That doesn’t just mean financially, that means our time as well.” — Aaron

“We were created to be in community. Isolation is the enemy to excellence..” — Aaron

“If you have had any kind of success at all, you need to be passing the torch to the next generation.” — Aaron

Action Steps:

  • Mentorship isn’t just a commitment to answer questions of someone younger than you. It’s a willingness to invest in the success of someone who isn’t as far along the path as you.
  • If you want to find a mentor, make sure you exhibit a passion in something first. Then seek a mentor to help you in that area.
  • Mentorship isn’t always pretty. Sometimes you have to hear what you don’t want to hear. Just because a mentorship feels hard, doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.
  • Mentors can be teachers, coaches, advocates, or a combination of all three. Decide what kind of time you have to offer if you want to be a mentor; if you want to be mentored, decide what kind of relationship you are looking for before reaching out to possible mentors.
  • We are called by God to steward our resources, including our gifts and our time. Take some time to think about what resources you might be hoarding and how you could bless someone with them instead.
  • You can google knowledge. You can’t google wisdom. Make sure you have sources of wisdom in your life.

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