Is it time for a better definition of success?
We’re so enamored by the idea of “success” that I believe it’s derailed an enormous number of creative and gifted people.
We’re so enamored by the idea of “success” that I believe it’s derailed an enormous number of creative and gifted people.
Phil Cooke is an internationally recognized speaker on creativity and the creative process. So when we has tips for encouraging your team to be creative, we listen up. He chats with Leary and Armin about why managers are eager to hire creativity above all else, how they encourage their teams to be as creative as possible, and how to balance the need for routine with the need for creative freedom in your organization.
Phil Cooke, Hollywood producer, media advisor and author shares an important observation about the perception of the influence we seek.
Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock have some shocking statistics for Christians today: Attending church less than 50% of the time makes you a “regular”. More than a third of Christians don’t believe prayer is important. Less than 10% of regular attenders tithe. When we bemoan the fact that our “Christian nation” is slipping away, who can we really blame? Leary and Armin talk with Phil and Jonathan about the broken church and how we can --- and must --- regain our credibility.
Phil Cooke, Hollywood producer, media advisor and author challenges the notion that "busy" can keep us from our bold idea.
Phil Cooke is a writer and Hollywood producer who discovered his unlikely true calling in the world of film. He joins Leary and Armin to talk about how Christians can use the power of media to spread the Gospel.