What does humility mean to your life? Is it something that you are working on or does it characterize you? Those who have spent much time in God’s presence realize the greatness of God and the smallness of themselves. This is true of Dr. Thomas Phillips, revival expert and longtime friend of Billy Graham.

Who is Dr. Thomas Phillips? Currently, vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and executive director of The Billy Graham Library, Tom has spent the last 40 years focused on evangelism and missions. He is an author and expert on revival and evangelism and serves as an advisor for different evangelistic and academic committees. He and his wife live in North Carolina.

When Tom Phillips realized that life eternal was more important than quality of life, he left his medical studies to pursue seminary work and ministry. His passion is to see people come to Christ. Billy Graham has even called him an expert on evangelism. No matter what people say, though, Tom points to the Lord as his success and remains humble, knowing that all he has is of God not of himself. In this episode, Tom demonstrates that humility while he explains its importance in beginning revival and, ultimately, evangelism.


“Humility simply means you, by faith, have gotten yourself out of the way so God can flow through.” —Tom

“Revival means [that] God sees fit to open the windows of heaven on his children to call them back to normal Christianity through conviction, confession, and repentance so that the church can become revived and then tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ. […] True revival is when the living God sovereignly and powerfully breaks into human history with the good news of His salvation.” —Tom

“When we become who God wants us to be, the society changes.” —Tom

“I really want to say to young people, you have a Heavenly Father. And when you go to Him and ask Him what to do with your life, follow what He says to you. He can guide you even when you don’t hear a voice.” —Tom

“God is searching for the soul of the secular Americans who don’t care.” —Tom

Action steps:

  • Go where God leads you. Don’t question His plan; trust Him. Following God not only makes a difference in your life, but it also sets the example of faithfulness and humility for the generations after you.

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