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Have you experienced the draw toward something in life that would be a really bold move? Have you wondered if the urge was driven by your own desires or by God’s plan? T.C. Stallings has been there. He made a huge career change based on nothing external but only on prayer and purpose and shares his story in this episode.
Who is T.C. Stallings? Formerly a professional athlete, T.C. is currently pursuing a career as an actor. He began his film career in Courageous and continued on in War Room and 9 other film credits while doing some commercial work as well. His ministry includes speaking appearances and promoting his books The Pursuit: 14 Ways in 14 Days to Passionately Seek God’s Purpose For Your Life and Playing on God’s Team. He and his wife and children live in California.
Success in Hollywood doesn’t come easily and is definitely not handed to anyone on a silver platter. T.C. Stallings knew this, and he also knew that his Christian faith was not something that would give him an edge either. However, God stirred his heart watching the movie Fireproof and it changed his path from professional football to professional acting. T.C. has used the lessons he learned through athletics to remain humble and consistent in pursuing his walk with Christ. His passion is to see people live their lives in response to God’s grace.
“First, I went to my common sense. […] When He gives you a sense of something that seems like it’s not going to work, you need to run that through Him. […] His realism is different from our realism; what’s unrealistic to us is so realistic to Him. […] He just thinks bigger than we do in a lot of cases.” —T.C.
“You’re not making the decision apart from Him. […] When He validates it, then [He leads you] into victory because this is where [He wants you]. Even the rough patches will make sense […] because you know God is leading you. All I’ve got to do is validate who’s leading me.” —T.C.
“Jesus was my Savior, but Jesus was not my Lord. You have to do both. […] People see accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior as the finish line, when in actuality, it’s more like the starting blocks. It’s not the end; it’s the beginning. There’s work to do. There’s so much more.” —T.C.
“Faith is what saves me. By the grace of God, I am on His team. But that same grace is not a license to sit and do nothing and get weak and get beat up by life. That grace should motivate me to do everything God has called me to do. So I should live a life in response to that grace. That puts the ‘do’ back into being a Christian.” —T.C.
“We have something we know we are supposed to pursue—God has literally put it in front of us—but all we see are the obstacles rather than the God who is pushing us to pursue these things. Somehow we convince ourselves that our problems are bigger than God.” —Armin
“It can strike us at any point in time, when we have a receptive spirit, to hear what God might be infusing in us a bold idea.” —Leary
Action steps:
- Take some time to be humbly reflective about your life. What are you giving your best effort to? Is what you’re doing in life something for yourself or a response to God’s grace?
- Realize that sometimes the shot in the dark is what God will use to make a bold idea happen. Be courageous to make the commitment, investment, and follow through that demonstrates your faith in a God who has the power to do the unexpected.
Resources mentioned:
- Official Web site: www.tcstallings.com
- Social media: Twitter @TCStallings, Facebook T.C. Stallings, Instagram Official T.C. Stallings
- Books: The Pursuit: 14 Ways in 14 Days to Passionately Seek God’s Purpose for Your Life
and Playing on God’s Team: 21-Week Devotional for Building True Christian Athletes
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